Faith of the
Ancestors of the Holy Prophet
It is the accepted belief of the Shi'a Ithna-Asheris,
the Hanafis, and the Shafi'is that the ancestors of the Holy Prophet from
'Abdullah to Qidar ibn Isma'il, and from there right up to Adam, were true
believers. They believed in the One and Only God and faithfully followed the
Divine religion of their times. From Qidar to 'Abdullah, all of them followed
the Shari'ah of Prophet Ibrahim
(a.s.), which was the religion prescribed for them by God.
The famous Sunni scholar Imam Jalaluddin as-Suyuti has
written nine books on this subject and has proved beyond doubt that all the
ancestors of the Holy Prophet were true believers. Shaykh 'Abdul-Haqq
Muhaddith Dehlawi has written: "All the ancestors of the Holy Prophet from
Adam up to 'Abdullah were pure and clean from the uncleanness of disbelief and
paganism. It was not possible for Allah to put that Holy Light (of the Holy
Prophet) into dark and dirty places, i.e. the loin of a pagan man or the womb
of a pagan woman. Also, how could it be possible for Allah to punish the
ancestors of the Holy Prophet on the Day of judgement and thus humiliate him in
the eyes of the world?"
The Holy Prophet himself has said: "I was always being
transferred from the loins of the clean ones to the wombs of the clean
'Allamah al-Majlisi has written that it is the
unanimous belief of Shi'a scholars that the father, mother and all ancestors of
the Holy Prophet followed the true religion, and his Light never entered into
the loin of any pagan man or the womb of any pagan woman. Also, the accepted
traditions say that all his ancestors were "Siddiqun" (Truthful
Ones): They were either prophets or successors of prophets.
After Isma'il, all his ancestors were successors of Isma'il
(a.s.). Other traditions specify that 'Abdul-Muttalib was a "Hujjat
(Proof) of Allah and that Abu Talib was his successor."
Amirul-Mu'minin 'Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) said:
"By Allah, neither my father ever worshipped the idols, nor my grandfather
'Abdul-Muttalib, nor his father Hashim, nor his father 'Abd Munaf. They
prayed facing towards the Ka'bah and followed the religion of Ibrahim."
If you look again at the preceding life-sketches of
some of the ancestors of the Holy Prophet, you will find that many traditions established
by them are now included into the tenets of Islam. Qusayi started the night-stay
at Mash'arul-Haram during the hajj,
and Allah kept that system in Islam. Can anybody think that Allah would
confirm a religious rite established by a pagan?
Likewise, as we have seen the customs established by 'Abdul-Muttalib
were adopted in Islam. Could Allah glorify 'Abdul-Muttalib if he were a
Also, read again the events of the discovery of Zamzam and
the appearance of the well in the desert. Read again the events of 'Amul-Fil,
and see the firm conviction that Allah would surely save His House. That
statement, repeated several times, shows that 'Abdul-Muttalib knew what
was going to happen. Why was he so sure? There can only be one explanation: He
was informed by Allah. And this, in turn, proves the earlier statement that he
was a "Hujjat" of Allah.
In all these events and narrations, he is always seen
praying to Allah, and there is no hint from any quarter that he ever prayed to
the idols of Quraish (to Hubal, Lat or 'Uzza). When he finds Zamzam, he
exclaims "Allahu Akbar!" When he emphasizes anything, he swears by
the name of Allah. When he stakes his claim, he says that Allah gave it to him.
What further proof is needed to show that it was a family of True Believers?
The Holy Prophet said: "Jibril (Gabriel) said to me: 'I
searched the east and the west of the earth, but I did not find anyone superior
to Muhammad; and I searched the east and the west of the earth, but I did not
find the children of any father better than the children of Hashim."
Also, the Holy Prophet said: "Verily, Allah chose
Kinanah from the children of Isma'il, and He selected Quraish from Kinanah and
chose the children of Hashim from the Quraish, and selected me from the
children of Hashim."
When, at the discovery of Zamzam, 'Abdul-Muttalib
encountered the enmity of Quraish, he was quite worried because he had only one
son to help him. He, therefore, prayed to Allah, making a nadhr (vow) that if
Allah gave him ten sons to help him against his enemies, he would sacrifice one
of them to please Allah. His prayer was granted, and Allah gave him twelve
sons, out of whom five are famous in the Islamic history: 'Abdullah, Abu Talib,
Hamza, 'Abbas and Abu Lahab. The other seven were: Harith (already mentioned),
Zubayr, Ghaydaq, Muqawwim, Dharar, Qutham., and Hijl (or Mughira). He had six
daughters: 'Atikah, Umaymah, Baydha', Barrah, Safiyyah, and Arwi.
ten sons were born, 'Abdul-Muttalib decided to sacrifice one of them
according to his nadhr. Lot was cast and 'Abdullah's name came out. 'Abdullah
was the dearest to him, but he did not flinch from the decision of the fate. He
took 'Abdullah's hands and started towards the place where sacrifices were
offered. His daughters started crying and begged him to sacrifice ten camels in
place of 'Abdullah. At first 'Abdul-Muttalib refused. But when the
pressure of the whole family (and in fact, the whole tribe) mounted, he agreed
to cast lot between 'Abdullah and ten camels. Again the name of 'Abdullah came
out. On the suggestion of the people, the number of the camels was increased to
twenty, again, the same result. Repeatedly, the number was increased to thirty,
forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty and ninety. But the result was always the
same. At last the lot was cast between 100 camels and 'Abdullah. Now the lot
came out for the camels. The family was jubilant, but 'Abdul Muttalib was not
satisfied. He said: "Ten times the name of 'Abdullah has come out. It is
not fair to ignore those lots just for one lot." Three times more, he
repeated the lot between Abdullah and 100 camels, and every time the lot came
out for the camels. Then he sacrificed the camels and the life of 'Abdullah was
It was to this incident that the Holy Prophet referred when
he said: "I am the son of the two sacrifices." He meant the
sacrifices of Isma'iI and 'Abdullah.
The name of the mother of 'Abdullah was Fatimah, daughter of
'Amr ibn `Aidh ibn 'Amr ibn Makhzum. She was also the mother of Abu Talib,
Zubayr, Baydha', Umaymah, Barra and 'Atikah.
A year before "the year of the elephant,"
'Abdullah was married to Aminah daughter of Wahb ibn 'Abd Munaf ibn Zuhrah ibn
Kilab. In that very gathering, 'Abdul-Muttalib married Hala, daughter of
Wuhaib, i.e. cousin of Aminah. Hala gave birth to Hamza, and Thawbiyah, the
slave-girl of Abu-Lahab, breast-fed him. She also gave her
milk to the Holy Prophet for some time. Thus, Hamza was the uncle of the Holy
Prophet and also his cousin as well as foster brother. Various traditions put
the age of 'Abdullah at the time of his marriage at 17, 24 or 27 years.
'Abdullah went with a trade caravan to Syria. While
returning, he fell ill and stayed at Yathrib (Medina). When 'Abdul-Muttalib
sent Harith to look after him and bring him back, he had already passed away.
'Abdullah was buried in Yathrib. The Wahhabis walled up his grave and nobody
was allowed to visit it. Then, in the 1970s the Wahhabis dug up his body
together with those of 7 companions of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and buried them
somewhere else under the pretext of extending the Mosque.
'Abdullah had left some camels, goats, and a slave-girl,
Ummu Ayman. The Holy Prophet got it all as his inheritance.
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